Monday, July 27, 2009

Day Two of YHEC

Today we got up at about 5:15, ate breakfast and then headed for 22 light rifle at about 5:45.
We got there and there was already two teams in front of us. Then we waited for the venue to open at 6:30. Once it opened we had to wait for the two other teams to go though and then we got our guns out and headed for the gate. we all did quite good I got 240 out of a possible 300 and the rest of the team did equally good. Next we went to eat launch and then we were planing on doing wildlife I.D. But when we started going to the event the weather took a turn for the worse and started raining on us. And seeing as that the Coarse was outside whey had to pick it up. So we had to wait. Then it started REALLY dumping. And I mean DUMPING!! And there was lightning, Oh you've never heard much less seen such lightning in Oregon. it was LOUD!!!!! And then I started hailing. At first they were just little hail stones, but then they got bigger and bigger and soon they were the size of golf balls!!!! Not exaggerating. Anyway, they closed the I.D. coarse down for the day. So we just studied and played cards the rest of the day and then went out for Chinese food for dinner.

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