Monday, July 27, 2009

Day Two of YHEC

Today we got up at about 5:15, ate breakfast and then headed for 22 light rifle at about 5:45.
We got there and there was already two teams in front of us. Then we waited for the venue to open at 6:30. Once it opened we had to wait for the two other teams to go though and then we got our guns out and headed for the gate. we all did quite good I got 240 out of a possible 300 and the rest of the team did equally good. Next we went to eat launch and then we were planing on doing wildlife I.D. But when we started going to the event the weather took a turn for the worse and started raining on us. And seeing as that the Coarse was outside whey had to pick it up. So we had to wait. Then it started REALLY dumping. And I mean DUMPING!! And there was lightning, Oh you've never heard much less seen such lightning in Oregon. it was LOUD!!!!! And then I started hailing. At first they were just little hail stones, but then they got bigger and bigger and soon they were the size of golf balls!!!! Not exaggerating. Anyway, they closed the I.D. coarse down for the day. So we just studied and played cards the rest of the day and then went out for Chinese food for dinner.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

YHEC days...... almost.

The last few couple of days we have been sighting in and practicing at the Whittington Center it preporation for YHEC. Due to the thinner air here (6'800 feet) all of our bullets fly differently then at home (about 400 feet) so we have to sight every thing in for here. We also have been studying VARY hard, (Hence the picture
O.K. so we did play some cards but we did study a LOT! We also shot some shot gun.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Panera Bakery

We went to Panera's to get a bagel for breakfast. If you have not been to one, Paneras is like gourmet star-bucks.

Meeting up with the Oggs. 7/24/09

This morning we met up with the Ogg family out side our hotel and kid-naped 2 of there kids: Josiah, 10 ( 10 and 3/4 as he put it) and Heidi who's 8. They are pulling the YHEC trailer so they are driving Mr. Oggs Ford pickup.... which only has 6 seats, and there are 8 people stuffed into it. So we took two of there kids to give them some space (and some quiet)
Josih is the one in the ornge shirt telling David how much Ice Cream he ate last night and heidi is the one holding Emilys duck.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The First morning of our trip

Last night we stayed at the Shilo in and there was continental breakfast in the restaurant next door. So when we got up Sarah and David were still sleeping so Mom, Emily and I went over with plans to get them up in a little bit. So we got over there and ordered breakfast and then just a little after we started eating, Emily spilled her apple juice on herAdd Image and Mom!!! So they went back to the room to change meanwhile David and Sarah haCheck Spellingd gotten up and came over to get there breakfast.
Soon we all finished breakfast and Mom and Emily had not come back so we had there lunch put into too go containers and took them up to our room. I was expecting Mom to be at least a little upset but nope, she was as happy as ever. The only thing that had changed was that her beautiful curly hair was now a little bit messed up beautiful curly hair. So she ate her breakfast in our room.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Off for New Mexico 7/21/09

Today we finished packing and Mom, David, Sarah, Emily, and I got in the Excursion and headed east.

We are going to New Mexico for My YHEC nationals. We plan on getting there on friday of this week.
I'll keep you posted.
Paul Leavitt